Within a week of having moved in, we started work on the second phase of our dream - a herd of Nubian dairy goats and a creamery.
An unnamed dry creekbed defines the north edge of our property. Seco means 'dry' in Spanish and we named the farm Seco Creek after it.*
We strive to develop an excellent herd by focusing on great bloodlines and a strong herd health program. All of our goats are CAE negative and CL free, and are tested on a yearly basis. We attend each birth and all of our kids are separated from their dams and hand-raised. Our Nubian milkers are fed a ration consisting of LaCuesta dairy pellets, 16% mare and foal ration, beet pulp, and chaffhaye.. Our goats also always have access to fresh water, minerals and quality hay. We participate in linear appraisal and DHIR.
Kerry works in Houston and commutes back and forth every day. He's the mechanic, technician and general outdoor laborer and enjoys making creamy dairy products.
Kelsey has an Agricultural Development degree from Texas A&M University and has the vast majority of husbandry experience. She is our marketing director, herd manager, sales rep and manages the household. Kelsey currently serves on the board of directors for the International Nubian Breeders Association (INBA). She also serves on several American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA) committees including the membership, registration, scholarship, youth 4-H and FFA activites, and the national show youth programs committees. Along with her goat activities, Kelsey is a second grade teacher.

Cooper (4), Cody (3), and Clayton (2) are our junior herdsmen and enjoy spending time in the barn with us.

Ringo likes jelly beans and chasing his second-hand Jolly Ball. He's very happy sleeping in.

*To the east, this creek drains into Flores Bayou. Flores drains into Austin Bayou which meets up with Bastrop Bayou and they all empty into Bastrop Bay. Bastrop Bay and Christmas Bay channel into West Bay then through San Luis Pass into the Gulf of Mexico.
There's also a Seco Creek in Bandera County, but it takes its own route to the Gulf.